Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trip to Disneyland HK

Chris and I went to Disneyland this past Friday evening. The park was decorated and themed for Halloween. It's a surprisinly big holiday here.

We had a really good time. The park is very similar to the one in California (same layout, Main St looks the same, so does the entrance, etc). It's smaller, so it doesn't have all of the same rides. There were some interesting food options - fish balls, stir-fried squid tentacles, pasta cone, and a whole chicken wing. They had some more traditional items as well.

This trip made us really miss the crew we went to Disneyland CA with last fall.

Dragon's Back Hike with Chris & Jeff

I took Chris and Jeff to hike the Dragon's Back on HK island. It's a pretty short hike, but has some nice size hills. Luckily we had a cool day.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hiking in Hong Kong - Violet Hill & The Twins

I've been doing a hike with the AWA almost every week. This past one was pretty tough, we climbed over 1300 stairs!

View from Violet Hill (yes, still on HK island!)

Looking ahead to The Twins

Almost there!

We usually go for a yummy lunch after the hikes (the only reason I go!). I've met some great ladies. I feel guilty sometimes doing such amazing things during the week while Chris slaves away at the office. I'll enjoy it while I can!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

National Day

It was National Day this past Wednesday. Chris got the day off so we went on a hike with Jeff (Tai Tam Reservoir pics below). We also watched the fireworks from the roof of our building.

More Kittens Pics

Baxter and Lily are as cute as ever. I can't help but take pictures of them almost everyday.They love napping on the couch and climbing the new little tree we got. So naughty.

Fun Pics

We love having Jeff here! We have done lots of eating and drinking together. I have also included pictures from our hike on Wednesday. We decided to double back and it was all up hill. Brutal!