Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

Chris and I spent the long holiday weekend in Sabah, Malaysia. We stayed at the Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort in Kota Kinabalu. It was considered the off season because of the heat, but it was still cooler and less humid than Hong Kong! It got down to the 70's at night. It was so nice.


About a 10 minute boat ride from our hotel were 5 small islands - Tunku Abdul Rahman Park. We started the day on Pulau Sapi for snorkeling, white sand beaches, and swimming. We spent the late afternoon on Pulau Manukan island for lunch, and more ocean and beach fun. I'm still afraid of the ocean, but Chris was a great snorkel coach. The underwater disposable camera hardly does the coral justice. The area also boasts top 10 diving places in the world.

Garama Wetlands Tour

We traveled 2 hours south to the village of Garama to tour the Garama River. Most famous for the Proboscis monkey - only found in this area. We also saw Silver Langourm and Macaque monkeys, a Purple Heron, a baby crocodile, a monitor lizard, and water buffalo. After the cruise we had a delicious Malaysian dinner and watch fireflies light up nearby mangrove trees. It was worth the two hour bus ride!

Sunday, September 7, 2008